It’s not about the size of your lance, it’s… ah, I can’t even bring myself to finish the sentence. Forgive me.
Boogie Nights (1997)
I dunno, amidst all its characters and plot lines, in the end it lacks a certain, ahem, thrust, with no clear arc or, heh, climax to speak of (the hypnotic back-and-forth between limo and truck came close but didn’t quite land). That said, its slice of life structure is certainly done very well, with the majority of its many characters and scenes quite memorable and mull-worthy (Reilly’s earnest Reed and the dramatic/comedic drug deal probably top the list). Great music and camerawork too.
A Knight’s Tale (2001)
Hits all the right feel-good notes, with its rock ‘n roll-infused medieval sports underdog storyline nestled within a moving rags-to-riches tale featuring a memorable cast of secondary characters surrounding Ledger’s stubborn but likeable William (Bettany’s charismatic Chaucer and Tudyk’s fiery Wat are particular standouts). Passionate romance and a bevy of deliciously dramatic or humorous moments and one-liners round out this unabashedly straight-forward piece of cinematic candy.
Here’s to those golden years of sexy knights and rock ‘n roll.
The portrayal of Geoffrey Chaucer in A Knight's Tale will live rent free in my brain forever.
For my money, Boogie Nights had a really good "period piece" vibe, and it was well made. It had some warts (like a mediocre-at-best ending), but it was solid nonetheless. I even rewatched it! It passed.